Dec 14, 2011

understanding Attawapiskat

The name alone will give a person a head-ache, never mind the story and accusations of how the government has let this people down. This is a small indian village of 2000 people who live near James Bay in northern Ontario. With the cold weather here, these people are living in very poor shelters, and even worse living conditions to say the least. Well, CTV and CBC will try to send Canadians down a spiral of missing facts as they show only the footage shoot by a NDP MP, showing the horrid conditions that the people are living in because the Government has let them down. Listen to more of the story that CTV, CBC, the NDP and the Liberal's don't want real tax paying Canadians to see.

Sun News : Ezra's viral video

If you watch this and agree with it SHARE IT... Lets get the message out there.