Apr 28, 2012

Can't get enough of you Baby!!

her very first ponytail

on the horse Grandma Hunsperger got for her

sleepy time baby

smiling at dad while he was doing jumping jacks

love those big blues
Yes it's true that adorable laugh, the huge smiles we get when we go into your bedroom in the morning or after naps, how you love to help mom sing Teddy Bear Picnic at the top of your lungs. The way you watch mom and dad so intensely whenever we are doing anything, the best was yesterday while dad was shaving you would not take your eyes off of him. You absolutely love sitting in your Bumba and helping mom with breakfast, lunch and dinner. I love that you are getting so big and so smart, whenever you see one of your toys you get excited and can grab them if they are within arms reach. You are a rolling machine and usual within seconds of being on your stomach you roll right onto your back.  We think you might be cutting some teeth and had a rough evening yesterday, we gave you Motrin for the first time last night and it seamed to help. Oh and I should mention you are the best baby ever at going to sleep. Naps, bedtime literally is a breeze I put you into bed and you fall asleep, when you finally decide to sleep threw the night every night life I don't think could get much better.  Love you baby girl and can't wait to see all the new things that happen in the next couple of months.

Apr 23, 2012


Macie not impressed with the sun
all tuckered out
The Edwards
My good friend Kristi called us up today and said hey wanna go for a picnic, of course I do. I love picnics and was so excited to take Macie for her first. So we loaded up our baby stroller with all kinds of food, toys, coats, and rain gear just in case and headed for an afternoon at the ball diamonds in Kitscoty. What a good time thanks Kristi, Matt, Mandy and the kids for the great idea and good times. 

Apr 15, 2012

attempt to be crafty

All that crafting talk got me thinking stop complaining and try something so I attempted some cute accessories holders for Macies room, I am actually happy with the outcome and love the brightness they add to her room.


a couple of Macie's newborn photos

her blessing day

sleeping with mom

just being adorable

Dads little girl

cute sunday outfit and tummy time


Well the pets have had quit an eventful week as we adopted a chocolate lab for 11 days while our friends the Lows go on a cruise, lucky ducks. Zuma are friend has been pretty darn wonderful if you ask me or Mark, but if you ask Lily I am sure she could list a ton of things that are bugging her, and Molly she will probably start to have a hard attack if you even mention Zuma's name. No they actually are doing really well seeing there house has been taken over by an animal about 100 times bigger then they are. Zuma is great though such a good listener and it is nice to have a dog that will actually bring the ball back when you throw it and not just stare at it and think what am I suppose to do with this now. He has grown quit found of me and I don't know if I will be returning him to the Low's when they get back as I have such a love for big dogs they are so awesome and so smart.

Zuma or furry friend for another week Love him so stinkin adorable

Cobalt and Lily going at it

Lily protecting her and Molly's food, Zuma even walks by it and Lily growls at her like even touch my food Zuma and I will take you down, I just laugh and say "Lily you are about the size of Zuma's head good luck."


I quit love that Marky Mark of mine he is so talented at so many things, but one of my favorite talents of his is that he can cook, and really cook. He can make cakes and brownies from scratch better banana bread then me and pretty much cook any meal I can make if I show him once. So this past week he decided to make a chicken soup from scratch using the actual chicken bones for the broth. When all was said and done it was really good, just a few tips for next time put vegetables in after you have boiled the bones or they go just a little to mushy and use a little bit of chicken broth. Delicious though and so proud of him.

Apr 11, 2012


This morning when I was feeding Macie I was checking out pinterest like I do everyday. I truly love pinterest I have already made about 5 or 6 recipes from it and am making another one tomorrow, made Mark's valentines day gift from an idea I got off of it, and am making a picture frame for Macie's room from an idea off of it, not to mention I am so excited for all the awesome ideas they have for things I can do with Macie that are more productive then sitting her in front of a t.v all day. However this morning when I was on there it got me feeling a little down and discouraged as I looked at all these amazing things other women can make and asked myself why am I not as crafty, or smart or talented as other women, why am I clueless with how to do makeup and useless at doing my hair cute. Why is my house decorated so terribly and why can't I find the things I want to find to make my house look cuter. I was thinking and feeling these thoughts all morning and afternoon, then when I got back from my appointment for Macie there was an article my friend posted on facebook that calmed my worries and made me feel human again. It talked a lot about how we need to stop feeling like we need to be these perfect people (women) do everything the best, make everything the best be a size 2, our homes are perfection and our food we eat be amazing. I reflected on my life and was thinking how much I love my life right now I truly do I have an amazing husband, and the most amazing little girl. I thought about the things I love in life, reading books, exercising (and not just to be thin I truly love exercising and the way it makes me feel), playing with Macie, spending time with family, keeping my house clean (I know really but I do love cleaning my house and looking at my house when it is clean), I like watching criminal minds, greys anatomy and sports, spending time with great friends, taking my adorable pets for walks, writing on my blog, the odd craft hear or there, saving money, paying off debt, and many many more things. I think as women and men in this world we need to not put so much pressure on ourselves to be perfect. "Do what you Love and Love what you do" if having money in savings makes you happier then having a supped up vehicle or a house decorated to perfection, then have that money in savings. If exercising is what you would like to do with your spare time then don't worry about not making every craft you see on pinterest or facebook, but if you love to craft don't worry about being a fitness queen. I might not be good at crafting and have no idea how to sew, clueless when it comes to decorating my house, doing my hair and makeup and making the most amazing desert on the planet, but I can run a 5K in 28 minutes 3 1/2 months after having a baby, I have a house that is pretty much always clean, I am reading more books know then I have in my whole life, read the Book of Mormon in 3 months, I have a daughter who is loved the way she is suppose to be, we have friends over for fun and games all the time and more money in savings then we have ever had in our whole life. So I guess as best as I can I am doing what I love and am going to try and work on not beating myself up when I look at my house and my imperfect decorations, or my messy hair or eating one of the three deserts I know how to make. Again Do What you Love and Love what you Do, and be amazing because you are.

Apr 10, 2012


Go for a run when it is dark out, I don't care how safe you think your neighbourhood is don't do it. Last Thursday I was going for a run when these 3 guys whistled at me I kept running and ignored them, I had this gut feeling not to pass them on the way back from my run but did not know how to get back to my sisters house any other way. So I ran back the same way thinking they would probably just whistle at me again or say hi or something, well I was wrong the one guy said to another hey go run with her. I started picking up the pace but could hear him getting closer, when he got really close he said hi to me and I said hi back hoping that would be the end of it. He then proceeded to grab my wrist and smacked me on the but. I turned around and told him to leave me alone, he grabbed my wrist harder and broke my watch off, I then kicked him in the leg got free from his hand and ran as fast as my legs would let me. It took me about 7 minutes to get back to my sisters house where I then just sat on the floor and balled my eyes out. One of the scariest experiences of my life, especially with there being three of them and they were all drunk out of there mind, I should be thankful though as I know it could have turned out a lot worse. Sooooo please friends of mine please never ever ever ever go for a run at night time no matter what it is not worth it, run on the spot in your house if you have to get a run in do something anything different then run outside when it is dark. I have learned my lesson and will never do it again.

Apr 4, 2012


Today Macie rolled for the first time from her stomach onto her back. It was so cute seeing her do it. I immediately put her back onto her stomach and she rolled over again. So proud of her, I am hoping it was not just a one time thing and she keeps doing it everyday now.