Apr 24, 2010


For anybody who have had problems posting comments thanks for letting me know, I think I have fixed the issue, so if you could try and post something know so I now if it is fixed or not that would be great, even just say HI.

Thanks Kalinda

Apr 23, 2010


When I was about 14 years old my brother bought this Blue Collective Soul CD, He was listening to it really loud one day at home, I think The World I Know was playing and I instantly fell in love, from that day on they have been my favorite Band of all times. I would listen to them everyday, downloading every song, when I came across the song "RUN", not only did this become my favorite band but they now also had my favorite song. It has forever been my #1 song, until recently, Collective Soul has still been making CD's over the years and I have always been impressed. Two years ago I bought there CD Afterwards and of course loved it, however was busy with life and did not listen to it all that often, until last Saturday when I was cleaning the house, the song New Vibration came on and I think I listened to it 10 times in one day. I now carry that CD from the house to the car and listen to that song about 5 times a day and still am not sick of it. I don't know if I can say it has replaced RUN but it is getting pretty close, I will have to make that assumption further down the road and see if I can listen to it anytime anyplace like I can with RUN.

So these next two weeks while I am on a bloging Hiatus, for good reasons, writing Final exam and going on our vacation to Florida I have decided to dedicate my Playlist to Collective Soul and the amazing band they are, they will forever be #1.

Apr 20, 2010


Some pics of Molly and Lily being there usual adorable selves.


Mark and I finally decided to take some pictures to update in our house as all our photos in our picture frames are from when we were first married. I am also hoping to update more from our vacation.

Apr 16, 2010


Isn't it amazing, Mark and I planted some flowers in January for a monday night family home evening project. Flowers have a hard time growing in our house as we don't get a lot of sun with the way our house is situated. We put them in two pots and wrote on them faith is believing and doing, Mark came up with the idea for a young men lesson, and we decided to try it ourselves for FHE. It is interesting how at first I really did not think they would grow I really had no faith I just let them sit there in a window that got no sun and watered them hardly ever. We'll then I finally decided to do as the pot said FAITH is Believing and DOING, Mark and I decided to move the pots to a window that got more sun exposure and made an effort to water them every other day. In the past month have we not only seen some vine but in the last couple of days we actually had them bloom, know they are not very big flowers, but we are so proud of them and can't believe how much we learned about Faith in this exercise.

Apr 12, 2010


So this saturday is our ward talent show. I am the head of the activities committee so I have been planing away, Mark has been a great help and I told him he had to do something, at first he got out his old magic trick box but realized it was pretty lame and did not work all that great, so today he decided to pull out his trumpet that he has not played since grade 9 or 10. We'll to my much amazement he is actually pretty good. I think he is going to wow the branch with this secret talent of his.

Apr 4, 2010


Could our Savior be any more incredible, this was reassured to me at our beautiful conference this Easter. Two weeks ago our stake had a special sacrament meeting where a general authority and his wife came and spoke to us, she mentioned in her talk how we should go to conference with a question and it will be answered, I have never done this before, only have I gone to conference to up lifted. So I pondered last night with a question, as I came up with one I wondered how it could be answered, and because I missed yesterdays talks maybe I already missed it. Well I woke up this morning to listen to Conference and not only was my question answered but it was the very first talk given this morning. The Savior truly is amazing and I know he loves me and each and every one of us.

Apr 3, 2010


Today I made the best and healthiest tuna sandwich ever, and thought I would share it, so that anybody else who likes tuna sandwiches but can't stand really in the end how unhealthy they are after you put in all the mayo.
2 slices of whole grain bread
1 fresh Avocado
tomato slices
real Cheese slices
can of tuna
First I chopped up the celery in my food chopper, then I cut a whole Avocado and mixed the celery, avocado, and tuna together in a bowl (the avocado takes the place of the mayo) then I top it with cheese, tomato slices, and pickles, and devour. It was so good, I even liked the taste of it way better then with mayo. I will admit it is a tiny bit dryer but as long as you add the pickles it is fine.
I don't think the fat intake changes a whole lot as avocados are fattening, but they are healthy fat and fat our bodies need, not the mayo fat that are bodies definitely don't need. So give it a try I think you will be pleasantly surprised.