Jun 27, 2010



Well this first Title is about something very exciting in my life that I have been working very hard towards since January. As of right now I am a medium and what does that mean it means when I buy clothes I buy shirts that are a size medium, I buy pants in sizes 7/8 ( can't believe I just posted my size on my blog but what the heck I have worked very hard to get there) and dresses and skirts in a medium size. It has been 5 years since I have done this. Why I let myself go in the first place I really in the end don't know, oh I have my excuses but they are pretty lame in the end. It really comes down to self control and desire. Well I finally got that control and desire back and it feels amazing. 15 more pounds and I will have accomplished my goal for the year.


Saturday was my big NACOR and I think it went great. It was way easier then I thought it was going to be. I am almost positive I passed but I don't want to get to excited just incase I totally screwed up and didn't realize it. But if I did I am done forever no more tests, no more studying, no more labs, and best of all another goal accomplished for the year.


Today was one of those Sundays were you could not help but feel the spirit, even if you were not totally focused. Thankfully I had a good start to my day and got to church early and was able to prepare myself for our sacrament meeting buy listening to the wonderful prelude music. Our ward had ward conference today so we got to here the wonderful talks of our great leaders and they always bring the spirit with them, but what really topped it off today was our choir. They sang a different version of praise to the man. You could tell there whole hearts went into it It brought tears to my eyes to feel the love of the savior for everybody there in the chapel. Then they ended the sacrament meeting with high on the mountain top, it absolutely took my breath away, you would of thought the Mormon Tabernacle Choir was singing if you were there it sounded so beautiful. I am so grateful for Sundays like this, not only do they make a great day, but they end up making a great week as well.

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