Jul 3, 2010


I am asking myself this question today, because when I first started writing my blog I said to myself this is really for me, a way to keep track of my goals and write down fun memories throughout the years. When I first looked into blogging I thought it was cool that you could turn them into books and said I would do that at the end of every year. It kind of acts as my journal, excluding really really personal posts as those are only meant for my real journal. I had lots of family and friends that were doing it and thought it would be really fun and easy. Well it has been really fun and easy, however these past 5 or 6 posts I have written have got a total of 3 comments, which is really bothering me. I am asking myself questions like, I hope this person is not mad at me and that is why they are not posting comments? or I commented on there last blog why are they not commenting on any of mine? That makes me sit back and ask myself do I really do this blog for myself or is it for others, to show them all the great things I do, all the sad things that are happening in my life so they have pity on me, and to make others jealous because "my life is great and I am great". Ahh I really don't know. All I know is I hope not. So I have decided to come up with an idea, or a goal I guess.
I am not going to look at my blog again after this post until I have another post to make, which as of right now I think my next post is about glasses and that one is not being put up until wednesday. If I get tempted and look before Wednesday and find myself going directly to the comment section seeing what everybody commented about this post, or nobody commented about this post ( and get mad) then I am done. No more blogging for Kalinda. I know this seams harsh but I just don't feel like that is a reason for blogging, it yes should be to let others you love and care for now about your happy and sad times, and see there's, but I should not be getting upset if they are not writing comments or even reading it as we all have very busy lives. So hopefully Wednesday there will be another post on my blog about glasses, if not I guess I don't have the will power I thought I had.


  1. I read your blog all the time, so please keep it up.

  2. I guess you just have to decide what you want... maybe just disable comments and then it won't bother you if you don't get any, cause you can't. Then it's totally just a journal about you. If people want to 'comment' they can call you :)

  3. The purpose of my blog is to be a journal as well. I originally meant to keep it just to myself and Matt but I decided that there were people I trusted to read it and some of them had blogs I read so it seemed only fair to invite them. Every once in a while I have to catch myself though, because I realize I am not really creating a blog post for me, it's more for other people. By the way, how do you get blog posts printed into a book by the way because I have been wanting to do that- only I thought I would have to print them off and then hole punch them into a binder.

  4. Don't worry Keltie I am still going to blog, I just need a little bit of a blogging walk up call.

    Royall I don't know exactly how to do it yet, but I have seen a couple of websites that do it, we will have to look together and find the best one.

  5. Agree with Keltie! Trent and I read it and love to be able to see pictures and hear about what's going in on your life! We need to get Keltie and Chelsey to start a blog too! haha I'm going to turn mine into a book as well since it's like a journal for me too. Keep it up girl, you're doing great!
