Jun 22, 2011


So this year Mark and I had our 2nd annual camp outside under the stars on our deck with a blow up mattress, and once again we had to go in early. Last year was because of coldness and this year was because of rain, and a splitting headache I was enduring. Still fun getting it set up and lasting the 2 hours we lasted. Hopefully next year will go perfect. Except if we are keeping up with tradition we might have to come in early for some excuse. Next year will probably be because of a baby crying :))

Getting the bed ready

Lily protesting the whole idea, she thinks the bed would be much cozier.

We always bring out are mini portable DVD player and watch a movie, this year was spiderman

The family all ready for the movie


  1. so fun!! too bad it couldn't last but fun just the same. You guys always do such neat/fun things! Your child will love it! Hope u are feeling well! ~Lara

  2. That sounds like a fun tradition. I don't think you ever run out of good ideas!
