Aug 14, 2011


Yesterday I picked up Mark from his kayaking trip around Two Hills, then we headed into Edmonton to drop the Kayak's off at Totem Outfitters. After that we thought it would be a good idea to start stocking up on baby supplies. We were planning on getting the stroller, car seat, dresser, play pen and high chair. Of course though Mark saw an Atmosphere store and just had to go in and look at camping gear. When he was in there he found a stroller for the back of our bike to hold Macie when riding in Kitscoty and Lloydminster, supplies when going on long bike trips and the puppies for the fun of it yesterday. We love it and can't wait to use it, and the extra added bonus I can use it as a running stroller when Mark isn't around and I want to go for a run outside with Macie.


  1. looks awesome guys! I'm sure MACIE will love it.

  2. Those puppies are so cute. So glad you are going to spell her name with an IE, now its perfect!!!!

  3. Mark mentioned that you had a blog... so I googled you and now am your newest stalker... wha haha
    They both look cute in the runner. I like how Lily has her head turned to the side.

  4. You'll be glad to have it. Matt and I have been meaning to buy one since the beginning of the summer!
