May 7, 2012

What is the Cost of TRUST

As we are guilty of a little bit of guile from time to time, it is hard to believe such treachery to exist with in family.
Sharing somethings in confidence with those who you love and trust should never be passed on. Passing it on is the very essence of deceit.
Trust is a very fragile thing, which takes lots of time to build, and can be lost in seconds. How we value trust will depend on many things. I have lost the trust of those who I care about, and seeing that pain and anguish when it was lost, was enough for me to work very hard at regaining it. To regain it has taken a very long time and still is never what it was before it was lost. It seams that sometimes trust is not valued until it is lost. 
As a society, we have many reasons to lose trust in others. It happens daily. One word; " Politicians"
As lies, infidelity and corruptions continue to surface in exponential numbers among the leaders of nations it is a wonder that anyone cares enough to vote anymore because of the loss of trust that has been etched on our minds.

But, when someone close to us burns us by sharing it unauthorized with others, it is more than etched in our minds, it is branded in our hearts. That person is "out of the circle of trust."

However,  as a trustworthy politician is the exception rather than the rule this should not be the case with family members. (unless your family member is a politician) When confidences are shared with family, this information should be used wisely, as it's cost is only the trust of others.

What is Trust worth to you?

I am no better at this than anyone else.

May we value our friends and family enough.
May we listen with our hearts, and keep those ear-fulls to ourselves to maintain our sacred relationships throughout the eternities......

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