Oct 14, 2013

Thankful for

As we celebrated thanksgiving today (yes it is tomorrow) but we filled our bellies today and had many wonderful talks and lessons in church on being grateful I feel like today was the day we think of all we are grateful for. Although there are hundreds upon thousands of things I am grateful for today I want to really say thank you to my Saviour for one thing in particular. As I was lying in bed the other night in tears as my body was in so much pain, I was able to think a lot about how lucky I am to have such a healthy body. Besides being pregnant, messing up my ankle a couple of times or maybe being soar after a sporting event my body is healthy. It doesn't deal with constant pain, I get to enjoy all 5 of my senses and use and have all of my joints. I can run, walk, bike, swim, play with my daughter, cook, clean and drive. I get to do all of these things and many more and not feel constant pain or have so much pain afterwards that I have to relax. While I was pregnant with Macie I remember feeling the same way, so grateful that my Saviour although he has given me trials has not taken away my health. With this pregnancy being way harder on me physically it has become even more heightened. I have become even more grateful. It makes me want to work that much harder to maintain a healthy active lifestyle. Do all I can to keep sickness from falling upon me and taking away my ability to enjoy doing anything I want. My compassion for those with MS, arthritis, diabetes, Parkinson's, deaf, blind, lose of an arm or leg has increased that much more. When I think of some of my amazing friends and family that despite being in pain still play with there children and grandchildren be as active as possible and try and do the things that bring them joy, and still find time to get on there knees to pray to there saviour for all he has given them, it almost sickens me how much I have complained these past 9 months and how I have pushed my Saviour away a bit for making me feel this much pain. This weekend though brought it all back to me and got me on my knees to thank my Saviour for all I have and thanking him for putting me through this so I can have more compassion towards others who struggle everyday with pain and know it will never go away. I am also so grateful for an incredible husband, I know that despite all the efforts I put in to stay healthy I could still have something happen to me that takes away my physically abilities to do anything I want. Mark has been incredible these past 9 months and has been so patient with my constant complaining, and demand for things I need but don't have the energy to get. He has been my rock and I love him so much. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing something so personal and beautiful. I can definitely relate to this!
