Jan 28, 2014


 I don't think today could have been any better. Mark is away all week this week and each day I wake up and wonder how I am going to get through today, plus another 3 days on top of that being all by myself, Well I was proven wrong today. An amazing friend offered to watch Wade today and so I took full advantage of that. I feel I hardly ever get good quality one on one time with Macie anymore and I hate that, so I planned a day full of things we used to do before Wade. First we started by heading to the pet store and checking out the bunnies, puppies, and fish. She is so cute at the pet store and loved the kisses she was getting from the bulldog pup. Next we came home had a quick snack and game of hide and seek and then headed to the pool for some swimming. It is only $2 from 12-1. Macie's favorite thing to do today was jumping off the side into the pool, she did it about 20 times in a row. Then we headed home and had some lunch, sang Let it Go from "Frozen" about 100 times, did some coloring and then headed back to pick up Wade. Macie was so good and it was so nice to have some one on one time with her. After I picked up Wade I headed to Motion Fitness for a good 7KM run and a bit of muscle toning while the kids went to the daycare there. I just have to say genius of these fitness facilities to start putting child care in for mom's. I go almost everyday for 2 hours and it is so nice to get that break and a chance to de-stress. Then we came home had some supper, played with Play Dough and got some great snuggles from Wade. At 7:15 I was getting ready to make a bottle for Macie when I realized I had no Milk. Great I thought, Macie is exhausted and know I have to lug two kids in and out of walmart for some stupid Milk. At the very end of our quick trip Macie was being so good that I told her we could go and get a cookie from McDonald's and that is when the sweet lady beside me paid for our cookies, Seriously could my day have gotten any better, yet it could snuggles, books and bottles with Macie and she fell asleep in about 2 seconds. Wade has also been a dream the whole night, didn't make a peep at walmart and made cute silly noises on the floor as I read books to Macie. I am so grateful for my amazing day and all the people in my life who helped make it amazing.


  1. So happy you had a WONDERFUl day!!!

  2. Glad you guys had fun! anytime! Wade was good and Sean liked trying to get his eyeballs! haha
