Dec 20, 2016

Macie is 5

Another year has come and my little miracle is now 5 years old. Man how we love this little girl.

- Macie is still fearless as ever. She will try anything and isn't afraid to do anything. This year she jumped off the diving board for the first time and the rope at the swimming pool and now she doesn't want to stop.

- Swimming is still probably one of her favourite things to do and this summer she started to swim on her own with no life jacket. We also got her a good pari of swimming googles and loves wearing them and swimming under the water.

- She has learned so much this year from writing to even a little tiny bit of reading.

- If she is not playing with her best buddy Wade she is doing some kind of craft. She is gonna love her Christmas present this year ( a big craft bin full of crafting supplies)

- She is such a pleaser and want's to make sure everybody is happy and hates seeing people sad. I love this about her and how much love she has for others.

- She is loving preschool and making all kinds of new friends, and of course doing endless crafts.

- She has gotten so much better with Molly and Lily and being more gentle with them that the dogs will even go and find her if she is snuggling on the couch and climb on her lap and snuggle into her. It is beyond cute and just makes Macie's day.

- She is one determined little girl, which sometimes can be a negative when she is not listening to Mom cause she is focused on getting the task she is currently doing finished, but in the end I love it. She is always so determined to make her bed perfectly, make the craft perfect, finish what she is doing before she moves onto the next thing.

- That determined side also brings out her competitive side, and we definitely have one competitive little girl on our hands.

- She has started doing actual chores this year and earning an allowance and although she needs a daily reminder to do them, she is always getting it done.  Macie's chores right now our: feeding the dogs, making her bed, practicing the piano, keeping the toy room and her bedroom clean, and helping with the dishes after meals.

- Macie this year at dance is doing Jazz and Ballet, and is taking piano lessons every other Saturday.

We just love having this little girl in our home and the sweet spirit she brings, and the joy that she brings into our life. She is always so willing to help and always wanting to make others happy. She so often puts others before herself and is always finding ways to brighten my day. Thanks for being such a wonderful little girl Macie, Mom and Dad love you way too much and our so grateful to have you in our life.

1 comment:

  1. He sounds like a delightful loving and caring girl! Happy Birthday Macie!!!!
