Jan 30, 2019

18 MONTHS!!!

Holy Moly this little cutie is 18 months old! Of course like always it is going by way to fast. I love that she is getting older and more independent and becoming a little kid, but man why does it have to happen so fast! The Toddler stage is the best and worst. They are so busy and Mom's are so exhausted by the end of the day, but they are so stinking fun and adorable. They are learning so much and exploring and growing so quickly. It just amazes me on a daily basis how much she changes and learns. Sometimes I just sit there and watch and observe her, learning new things and figuring things out.

Kansas at 18 months!!

-She is talking up a storm and says tons of words, puts 2 words together a lot and can repeat a lot of what we say. Some of my favourite words she says are... Sit Down, Thank You, Fun, DADDY!!!!, Lily, Yeah. Her voice is so stinking cute. She also does a sign language for Please where she puts her finger to the palm of her other hand. She pretty much gets whatever she wants when she does that, as it is the most adorable little thing on the planet. Especially if she does it to Daddy.

-She is 100% a Daddy's girl, she doesn't even say Mom yet, not cause she can't but she just always has Dad on her mind. When he gets home from work, she runs to the door and yells DADDY!!!, then gives him the biggest, longest hug ever. You want your heart melted, watching Kansas hug her Daddy is pretty stinking amazing!

- She is an amazing eater and for the most part eats anything I give her. Their are a couple things she doesn't like (apples, grapes, broccoli, and sometimes bread). She especially loves oranges, grapefruit, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, cheese, yogurt, any kind of meat, cookies from Sobey's and any kind of treat.

- Kansas loves to Dance and starts moving her body the second she hears music. Reading books, playing with Macie and Wade, giving Lily kisses, going to play at the energy centre and the parent link centre, she loves being outside, watching Peppa Pig, playing with toys, and just hanging with Mom and Dad.

-She is completely obsessed with her Nani (blanket) and has to have it with her everywhere she goes. She also loves sucking her thumb, and she can't suck her thumb unless she has her Nani in her hand. It's pretty stinking adorable and doesn't bug me at all. Although I might think differently if she is 10 and still doing it.

- We went and saw a Neurologist in November and she had a bunch of blood work done. Everything with the blood work came back good. Her eye's still droop a lot and the Neurologist wants to monitor Kansas on a regular basis until we have made the diagnosis that she just has Ptosis in her eyes, or their is something else going on. We won't  know for sure until she gets older and more signs and symptoms start to happen, or hopefully no more signs and symptons happen. From their if the eyes continue to droop she might have to have surgery. It is just a waiting game and lots of prayers that everything will be OK with her, or if their is something bigger going on and she does have Myasthenia Gravis or possibly something else that we will find the right help and the best Doctors to help her.

-Kansas's milestones were walking at 14 months, talking lots these past two months (her first words were Dad, Lily and Yeah). She weighs about 20 lbs right now and although she doesn't have quit the energy that Macie and Wade did she still keeps us busy. She's peed on the potty a couple times, although I don't think she is ready to go hardcore on the potty training yet. She is definitely tiny and I get comments on it all the time, it use to bother me just because their was so much stress in the beginning with her weight, but I try know to just ignore it and think yeah she is tiny but it makes her so stinking adorable.

This little girl is so amazing and we just love her to pieces, she has such a fun, bright personality with a little sass and attitude. She loves saying Thank You and loves helping Mom around the house. She has such a sweet heart and cries if she ever gets in trouble, and loves helping people get their shoes. We sure love you little bug and love watching you grow up.

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