So this weekend was full of fun family time in Airdrie and Calgary. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family. I am also lucky to have the cutest nieces on the planet. Are family is full of them. We have 3 boys and 11 girls. So when ever we get together all you see and hear our little girls, playing , fighting and being adorable. I thought I would post some pictures so you can all see how right I am.
#1. Have children #2. Visit Africa #3. Run in the Boston Marathon #4. Tandem Bike across Canada with my Husband #5. Climb beautiful Mountains when we visit other countries. #6. Go Sky Diving #7. Own a Beautiful Husky and name him "Gus" #8. Go on a mission with my Husband #9. Volunteer with Habitat for Humanity #10. Visit Australia #11. Learn to Snowboard good enough to Snowboard in the mountains on Black Diamonds. #12. Get 1st place in a 5KM Race #13. Go back to school and finish my Contact Lens Course #14. Live on an acreage with my husband and children #15. Live in a big city, in a condominium, downtown and have a job were I bike to work everyday. #16. Run in an Olympic Distance Triathlon (1.5 KM swim, 40KM bike, and a 10km Run) #17. Read all of the Standard Works on my own and with my Husband at least once. #18. Become amazingly crafty. #19. Become an amazing cook. #20. Be the best person I can be, no matter what trials come my way.