Jul 12, 2016

Architects in the Making!!!

I got the getting outside, feeding them healthy, reading books, colouring/crafts thing down pretty good. But just to sit and play with the kids and imagine with them I sometimes struggle in that area. For some reason though when we pull out the Lego blocks I can always think of a super fun thing for the kids to build and play with. Today was a Zoo. We had 4 different sections. Africa, Ocean, Dinosaur and random creatures that would be eaten if they had to live with Dinoasurs or Tigers. The project took almost 40 minutes and the play only lasted about 30, but it was a great time. Then of course when Me and Macie were not looking, Wade like usuall had to go and destroy it. Macie will be the Architect of the family and Wade the bomb expert on how to blow up a building.