Jun 27, 2016

Great day!!!!

This past month has been a little rough in our house, but today, today was perfect!! Started the morning with chocolate Cheerios (ssh don't tell), kids played perfectly together while I cleaned the house a bit. Then we made pictures of Monsters wearing underpants, kids loved this as we have been reading books at night about Monsters, Aliens, and Dinosaurs in underpants. After lunch we headed to the beach for the whole afternoon, it was crazy nice outside and we ran into many friends. When we got home we made delicious Waffles for supper. Then the best part while I took a minute to clean the kitchen and then chill for a bit, the kids played so good together. They usually play really good together but there is always one or two little fights in there play. But tonight they played perfectly, laughing, sharing, and smiling. Then we ended the night with freezies, a 20 minute show, reading Go Dog Go, prayers, songs and snuggles while the kids passed out in seconds. Love days like today and was definitely needing it.