Well once again my favorite time of year has come. I posted about it last year, will post about it this year, and will probably post about it every year. I love everything about Christmas, but my most favorite things are the music, decorations (which we put up tonight), how everybody seams so happy, and doing a kind deed for someone every year. I also love wrapping presents and making them all pretty, eating the delicious goodies, tobogganing, using my advent calendar ( I bought it from Jen Isackson a couple years ago and love it), finding ways to hide Mark's gifts and trying to surprise him, and this year of course is going to be the best, with it being my first Christmas as a Mom. I have to say this is the first year I have not been excited about gifts, and am not even remotely interested in snooping, it must be because I already know what the best gift is going to be this year and hopefully she will be unwrapping soon. I am so prepared for Christmas this year and am pretty much all done shopping, have maybe 4 more things to bye, and everything that I have bought is already wrapped. I thought it would be a good idea to not leave it to the last minute as my life is going to get pretty crazy in about two weeks. So Merry Christmas to everybody and hope you all have a great December.
Lily not to impressed with being dressed in the Santa Hat
My favorite part of my decorations, the fireplace where our stockings hang. I truly believe Mark and I have the cutest stockings ever thanks to my wonderful sister who made them for us. (I am hoping you can help make Macie's with me next year)
I got this stocking for Macie at wal-mart, nothing to exciting but thought it would be a cute keepsake. It says Baby's First Christmas 2011
Also believe this is the cutest advent calendar ever. (Thanks Jen for being so crafty)