May 12, 2012


seriously how am I ever going to say no to this face
Today Macie you helped Mom bake cookies for the first time, you were so cute in your little apron that Sis Heather Onofrychuk made for you. You watched with such intensity as mom put all the ingredients in the bowl and stirred  and placed it on the baking sheet. I can tell you are going to love to help mom and dad around the house as you get older.

Mother's Day Came Early

Yesterday a package arrived at the door address to me. I knew I had not ordered anything recently so was very curious as to what this might be, upon opening the package I was surprised to find My Mothers Day Gift in there. A mini IPod Nano from Mark and Macie. It is awesome, my favorite color blue and on the back it is enscribed saying "To The BEST MOM EVER"  You did well Mark you did very well.