Apr 12, 2020


Happy Easter!

It was a great Easter. Although it was cold and snowy, being with family was fun.

On Good Friday we watched the last week of the Saviours life bible videos. It was well done.

Saturday we Coloured easter eggs at the Halls and played games. One of the new favourites has to be Killer Bunnies. We usually get a good laugh as we play it.

On Sunday we got up stinking early thanks to Wade, who was very excited the Easter Bunny came, but he was really good and went back to his room for a few minutes while mom and dad gathered their wits about them and called him back. The whole house was up by 7am.

After breakfast we got ready for family sacrament at the Halls. Because of Covid-19 all church meetings have been canceled. Member have been authorized to do sacrament in their homes until future notice.

Aunt Terra did the lesson and we talked about the Atonement and what we have learned about it.
After the lesson and Sacrament, the kids grabbed their baskets and searched for eggs. Kansas brought back a huge haul. She was so proud of herself and her inventory.

The dinner was amazing. It was a nice ham dinner with funeral potatoes. The desserts were exactly what you would expect, at the same level. Skor Poke Cake and Lemon Cheese Cake.

After dinner we played some more games. Rook, Drawful, and Killer Bunnies was on the list of games.
Drawful was fun to watch the younger kids play. Most of them have a hard time spelling so watching the funny words show up on screen and get voted on, and then the kids reaction when they got a vote or won the round was priceless.

Killer Bunnies was so wild, with no one really knowing who will win. This game Aunt
Terra won.

The cousins from left to right
Wade, Bailee, Macie, Kansas, Grady, Bryna, Emilee
funny how the boys like to tilt their heads??? At least it's in the same direction.

Kansas with a huge haul

lots of eggs


Aunt Terra With the winning Carrot "Abu"


Due to the Corona Virus (Covid-19) crazy measures have been taken by our governments. Many of our freedoms have been taken away to help minimize the spread of this super infectious virus. Schools and many places of work have closed down. Any place where people can gather for social/ entertainment has been shut down. No sports, no play grounds, no swimming,  borders, churches, air ports, even the provincial parks are closed.
This all means that children are at home doing home school and many parents have been laid off and are stuck at home as well.
we have been blessed that daddy still is able to go to work. Mommy has been laid off as her work minimized staff and have reduced patience to emergency visits only.
Macie and Wade have been home schooling for about a month now. They have been pretty good about it. There are some definite challenges.
Wade has a hard time sitting still long enough to get through a lesson, unless it is about starwars, which not may are. Wade has been excelling at reading and doing well with math.
Macie has a hard time taking coaching. She is excelling at math and art and doing well at reading. When she focus' she excels at most everything she tries.
Kansas is very busy. She enjoys helping out around the house and playing with toys. She is trying to potty train with some days better than others.
Mom has been staying some what sane by taking the kids on super long walks around Magrath.

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