1. I got very very sick on the boat on the night of day 1, but got better thanks to some pills,
2. I took those pills at universal studios to help with the motion rides and it made me very tired all day and I felt like a zombie I almost fell asleep on a roller coaster ride and
3. How it cost way more than we thought.
Really for that to be the only annoying things we are pretty lucky. So now to some up the vacation.
Days 1-3 were on a cruise ship, we had a blast and were fortunate enough to meet another young couple of the church and hung out with them the whole time, making it a lot more enjoyable as everybody else was drinking. We also got to go snorkeling in the ocean which was amazing.
The rest of the days were spent in Orlando, We went to Sea World first and absolutely loved every minute of it, my 2 highlights were the whale and dolphin show and then there was this little dolphin nursery where I made friends with this dolphin that kept playing peek-a-boo with me. Then we relaxed by the pool all day Sunday and got some nice color on or pasty white bodies. Monday we did universal, it was a lot of fun but like I said earlier I was like a zombie for a lot of the day. Wednesday was Mark's favorite day we went to the Space Kennedy Center, it was so amazing and we learned so much, plus we got to have lunch with an Astronaut who was on Apollo 15 and walked on the moon and took pictures with him that was so neat.
Then the rest of the days were spent in Disneyland, fun but not as exciting as I thought it was going to be. Definitely was our least favorite things we did but still he had so much fun. So that was about everything oh except I also forgot we got to go to an NBA Playoff game. I would have to say Seaworld, NASA, the NBA game were my favourite parts, but it was all great. By Thursday night though Mark and I were ready to come home and see our puppies we missed them so much but really enjoyed our time away together. If you want to see all my pictures you can check it out on facebook but I am going to post a couple of my favorites on my Blog.