Oct 31, 2015

Halloween 2015

Macie since September was wanting to be Toothless from How to Train your Dragon, but with moving and renting and things being packed away I new that was not gonna be something we could make this year. I hate the idea of store bought costumes, to me most of the fun of Halloween is making your costume. Not necessarily from scratch but finding and putting pieces together to create something magical, but with the craziness of our life I opted to go to Walmart and buy the pre-made all perfectly put together costumes. We went with our kids favourite show "Paw Patrol", and the kids went as Skye and Chase. We went trick or treating in the neighbourhood of our rental house as they go all out. I was so impressed almost every other house is decorated and like crazy decorated. One house is unreal and has lights that play to music and you can tune your radio to a station and listen to the music and watch the lights dance. Even though are costumes were lame this was probably my favourite Halloween so far. The kids had a blast, the weather was awesome, Wade was especially cute running all over the place and saying Trick or Treat at all the houses. And even in there non home made costumes they still looked ridiculously cute.