Jun 1, 2010


1. Wheat
2. Red Meats
3. Dairy
4. Processed foods
5. Sodium
6. Refined Sugar
7. Chocolate
8. Refined and Concentrated Carbohydrates
9. Fried Food, Margarine, and hydrogenated fats
10. Soy Products
11. Additives and Preservatives
12. Tinned and Frozen packaged foods

This is what I can not eat until we get pregnant, all I have to say is please please please let it happen right away. I don't know how I am going to be able to do it, but it is starting today. All I have to say is I better lose a lot of weight if all I can eat is fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish and spices.
Not to mention they can't be topped with salt, butter or any other kind of condiment. I think I am going to go crazy, so watch out.