Jun 1, 2010


1. Wheat
2. Red Meats
3. Dairy
4. Processed foods
5. Sodium
6. Refined Sugar
7. Chocolate
8. Refined and Concentrated Carbohydrates
9. Fried Food, Margarine, and hydrogenated fats
10. Soy Products
11. Additives and Preservatives
12. Tinned and Frozen packaged foods

This is what I can not eat until we get pregnant, all I have to say is please please please let it happen right away. I don't know how I am going to be able to do it, but it is starting today. All I have to say is I better lose a lot of weight if all I can eat is fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish and spices.
Not to mention they can't be topped with salt, butter or any other kind of condiment. I think I am going to go crazy, so watch out.


  1. Wow that is a long list. You'll have to let us know if you find any new fruits or veggies that are exciting. Good luck!

  2. i dont get it, why are they cutting out all of that? what is the reason behind this? and how by not eating that will it help you get pregnant

  3. well because they found endometriosis there is a good chance of it coming back. That is also probably a good reason why we are not getting pregnant.These are the foods that make the endo build up inside of me so by avoiding them hopefully it will slow the process down of the endo coming back, or hopefully avoid it from coming back at all.

  4. sounds very close to "eating clean" what i've been doing for the past 6weeks. Google eating clean and it will give you some ideas on recipes ect. Oh and you will totally lose weight eating this way!! Hope things work out soon!
    try this yummy salad:
    2 c black beans (just re-hydrate from dry)
    1 red pepper diced
    1c corn (can you do frozen veggies? if not buy fresh and cut off)
    1/4c fresh cilantro chopped
    1tsp cumin
    juice of one lime

    mix all together and enjoy sooo yummy! you can add cooked chicken if you like too.

  5. opps, missed a few ingr. I just made it for supper..
    also add
    1/4c diced red onion
    1/2 diced jalapeno (de-seeded) optional
    1/4 olive oil
