Dec 12, 2018


WOW has it been a long two weeks, and it aint over yet.

It all started with Mom getting deathly ill. She was so sick, for so long. she just could not get better. achy, fevers, sore, weak... and she passed it on.

Kansas first, then Wade and now Macie. Wade somehow picked up some pink eye, (or as he calls it, red eye) He has to have this salve put in his eye twice a day, its so sad.Well Kansas, just will not get better. She was looking like she was over it, but then she took a turn for the worse.

all the symptoms have passed it on, however dad has remained unscathed. Its funny because not only did dad get a flue shot but when he received his blessing for his new calling, of Stake Self Reliance Specialist, Brother Burgess blessed daddy with health to carry out his calling.