Aug 27, 2009


So I thought it would be fun to start a blog this year as there are 3 huge goals I would like to accomplish. I thought a blog would help me to keep track of these big goals, and my little ones to see if I am progressing and getting them accomplished. The three big ones are;
1. Finish my Optical Sciences school through Nait, so that I can become a Licensed Optician. This entitles getting over a 63% average in the course, passing my practical exam called the NACOR, and getting over 1000hrs of practicum work. wow lots to do and only a year. I know it can be accomplished thought, with hard work and determination.
2. I am starting Piano Lessons every Thursday night from 6-7, so that I can finish and teach. I have a huge love for music, and would love to teach little children one day, so then can learn to love it as much as I do. I am hoping it will only take me two years, and then I will be able to teach.
3. Mark, myself, and some friends of ours are going to be training up to run a Tri-athalon. I have never run one before, but I think it will be exciting. I let myself go these past two years, and need to get back to the way I looked when Mark and I were first married. I am hoping this Tri-athalon will help motivate me.
So yes a very busy life for myself this year, I hope I can accomplish these three goals, and also keep up with everything else I have going on, church callings, keeping up with house work, and spending time with my wonderful husband, and three adorable pets.

This pictures is a before the Tri-athalon shot, lets hope it only gets better from here

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