Jan 3, 2010


So this year I have decided to make a lot of resolutions, but I don't know if you can say they are resolutions, I would say they are more or less improvements on my imperfect life, to try and perfect it better, and draw closer to my savior myself and my husband. So hear goes the big long list.
1. Read from the Old Testament, a chapter a day. This is a goal that our Branch Presidency has challanged us to do.
2. Mark and myself made a goal to finish the Book of Mormon before the end of this year, we started in December and have been pretty good, so I hope to continue with this one.
3. Graduate from school and pass my NACOR.
4. I love this next goal, because I think it is probably the most common goal that people make every year, I also wonder how many times it is not fulfilled, but for goal number 4 this year of course like so many others will try to do this year is to get in better shape. Our another way of putting it is loose weight. I don't think I am going to put an amount buy it this year, I think all I am going to say, is to get myself to a point that I feel so healhty, and happy and good about my self, that if I wanted to go for an hour long run I would not have to take a month to work up to it, I can just go and do it. If Mark and I want to go for a 50KM bike ride we can, and I will have the energy to do it. I just want to be healthy and feel healthy, I don't even care about being super skinny, just healthy and strong and to feel good about myself.

I would have to say that these are the big goals for the year, then I decided to make a bunch of little goals to help accomplish the Big ones.
1. wake up every morning no latter than 7:00, read my one chapter from the Old Testament and then go for a run or walk outside or on our treadmill.
2. one of the bigger and harder ones I am going to set is to watch no more than 10 movies this whole year, that includes new or old. I am going to make myself a cute jar and everytime I go to a movie or watch one at home I pull out something , and once that jar is empty, no more movie watching for the year, I am hoping that I can make is so unimportant that by the end of the year there are still things in the jar.
3. Mark and I have no cable and we were thinking of putting it back on in February for the Olympics, but I have decided to change my mind, no cable and no TV for the whole year, less time watching TV equals more time to exercise, read, study and spend quality time with my hubby.
4. Go on at least one temple trip with my hubby every other month, or every month if possible.
5. Another goal Mark and I have is to get ourselves completely dept free this year, except for our Mortgage, we do not have a ton of debt, but we feel life would be easier, if we were to ever be blessed enough to have a family, if the only debt we had was a mortgage payment. We also hope to get our basement developed and put quit a bit of money away in savings.

Well I could probably go on and on with goals and commitments I could make to better myself this year but I think this is a good start. I am hoping writing them on my blog will motivate me more, I will see them lots as I come on my blog often as well I find if I tell others my goals the more likely I am to do them. So wish me luck and if you see me ask me how they are coming to help keep me motivated.

1 comment:

  1. So somehow I didn't get your blog on my blog reader but thought I had, so I just found you again :) What a great post. I am so impressed that you want to watch less than 10 movies in the year! That is impressive and something most people wouldn't think of. We too have no cable and it is a good thing, less wasted time. Best of luck on all your goals. This motivates me to do better on mine.
