Aug 28, 2010


Life is great, I don't think it could be any better right now, well there would be one thing but that will happen when it is suppose to happen. Lately I have had lots of time to do the things I love to do, and find new things I love to do. It has been fun exploring new options and getting back into touch with some old ones. Me and Mark have decided to make the most of our life right now, to not be sad and sulk that we don't have children yet but to embrace all the things we love to do and do them. Have fun with life and with what we have been given. I am starting to even make a list of all the things I love to do and how I can fit them into my schedule, which include

- running (nothing feels better than a good 5 KM run)
- bike trips (especially tandem bike trips)
- reading any book by Jodi Picoult (as of right now I am delving into her 6th book I hope to have all seventeen read by the end of next year)
-taking my Dogs for walks, I love seeing there faces when we grab the leashes and they now that right know our world revolves around them.
- spending time with my Husband
- reading my scriptures (this is a big one for me, in the past I have honestly never really enjoyed reading my scrips I just did it because we are suppose to, I felt myself growing closer to my savior but would get annoyed that I could not understand anything I read. This year however Mark and I set out a goal to read the Book of Mormon again together by the end of the year and as well read from Preach My Gospel, it is a goal our Branch Missionaries have set for us. I started out at the begin with a sincere prayer to my father in heaven that I would understand what I am reading and it has truly paid off. It is exciting to read from these books and grasp what the savior and prophets are trying to tell us, to learn and grown and to try and live like they lived.)
- relaxing in our Hot Tub
- and shopping (I know this one is evil I hate that I am totally a women when it comes to shopping, when I was little I could have cared less about clothes and shoes and accessories all those fun girly things, but ever since I got my first job out of High School and started getting a steady paycheck that was something I always struggled with. Thankfully I have grown up and matured and have learned to pay tithing, bills and saving first but any left over money, watch out Mall's here I come)

There is a small list of things I don't like to do with my life right now but unfortunately they have to get done.
#1. clean my house, why is it always so messy, it seams impossible to keep clean, you think you are getting ahead and then you have a bad day, then another bad day and then all of a sudden it is the end of the week and my house is a total disaster. Ahhhhh it drives me crazy, I hate having a messy house but at the same time I hate not having fun and truly I would rather go for a run, a bike ride or read my book then sweep and mop the floors or do the dishes or fold the laundry.
#2. work (usually I love going to work but it has been so slow lately sometimes I feel like I am wasting my life, I could be doing so many more productive things then sitting here wasting my time doing nothing. Hopefully it picks up soon or I might just go crazy.)

Really what it comes down to is we just need more hours in our day, I am thinking about 30 instead of 24 that would be perfect, maybe I could make a proposition to the Lord anyone with me. All in favor say "I".


  1. Speaking of shopping we should go while we are in Edmonton on Saturday after the race. My mom bought me some clothes for my birthday but I think I will return some of it and buy new workout clothes instead. My workout wardrobe consists of Matt's old t-shirts, stretched out yoga pants (from wearing while I was pregnant) and basketball shorts. Not exactly flattering or stylish choices. Oh yeah and I have been swimming in my tankini with a sports bra layered underneath, I really need a sport suit.

  2. that sounds like great fun to me. I am always up for shopping. I have been buying lots of work out clothes lately so I know what I really like, and what is comfy so I can help with pointers. OH Man now I am even getting more excitied. We should go for a run together next week, this week is to crazy for me, but next week would work out sometime.

  3. A run next week sounds great! I think I need to try flat out running a 5K and timing it (eek!)

  4. Hey Kalinda I think it's time to do another GNO, thinking about a movie night at my place. Either the 17th or 24th.. which date is better for you? I have done a FB event thingy...

  5. Lara the 24th would work better as the 18th is my 5KM run so me and Royall are headed out on the 17th to stay with family.

  6. hey sis just wanted to wish you a happy b-day. Love ya

