Nov 9, 2010


I remember when I was little I heard a song that went a little like this "My Dad is better than your Dad, so much better then your Dad, my Dad, my Dad." Anytime my Dad did something awesome I would always sing it in my head, or when I heard a Fire Trucks Sirens go by, that song would immediately pop into my head. This weekend that song came into my head again, however I was singing a little different tune. "My parents are better then your Parents so much better then your Parents, my Parents, my Parents." Obviously everybody thinks this about there parents, but I truly am blessed to have the Mom and Dad I have. When I was little, they supported me in anything I did. They were at every Basketball game, Volleyball game, Track and Field Days, awards ceremony, piano recital, Young Women in Excellence Nights, Band Concerts. They were a shoulder to cry on, words of advice, someone to look up to and admire, and most of all someone to Love me unconditionally no matter how many stupid mistakes I made. Now as I am older and have my own family they are still the same loving parents I have always loved and cared for. They are still my shoulder to cry on after a long sad weekend, my cheerleaders at my race events, advice givers over big life decisions, and someone who loves me unconditionally no matter what. I am glad I also have a husband know that does the same thing. I hope one day I get to love a child as much as my parents have loved me.

"My Dad the Firefighter, he saved this little girls life and put his own life at risk to do it, what a hero"

"My Gorgeous Mother, I wish I had the beauty she radiates on the inside and out"

"Visiting my Parents at Christmas on there mission for our Church, one of there greatest qualities have been the service they have given to others"


  1. A beautiful post Kalinda. If your parent don't read your blog, you should print this and send it to them.

  2. Parents are the best. Thanks for reminding me that I need to thank my parents more often- I'm going to write them a letter right now before it gets put off again.
