Feb 11, 2011


This is a quote from my still frustrated husband to his still insanely frustrated wife. Last night Mark had young men's so I decided to go in and swim some laps at the swimming pool. I usually lock my stuff up or share with a friend unfortunately not last night. Last night the women's change room was closed so I went into the family one I threw my bag in a hallway locker. I did not have a loonie or a locker to lock my stuff up but I thought my stuff was safe as I was only going for 30 minutes. Well I was foolish as it only takes about 5 seconds to steal a bag, they had ample amount of time to make off with my Visa, Debit Card, Driver's License, Running shoes, Cell Phone, my favorite work out top, bra and shorts, a fairly new expensive addidas sweater, and of course the bag itself. Lesson learned ALWAYS LOCK YOUR STUFF UP!!!!!!


  1. yes it does and I just realized they went into our car and stole my brand new $600 prescription sunglasses.

  2. NOOOOO! That's terrible. That definitely tops my stroller fiasco.
