Aug 28, 2011


As I am nearing the end of my second trimester just wanted to make some quick notes and reminders of all the things I loved and disliked about the second trimester.


-Feeling Baby kick everyday
-Mark Feeling the baby kick
-Being able to exercise.
-Finding out we are having a girl
-Starting to buy stuff (I got all of my Etsy purchases in finally and can't wait to put them up)
-Feeling great about 95% of the time, I get a little icky her and there but can't complain so far this pregnancy has been pretty easy, a little stressful but pretty easy.
- Watching my belly grow.
-Being able to eat what I want no more aversions to fruit and vegetables.
- Having my first real craving today of pizza pretzels (did not get to have it but will probably go buy one tomorrow to satisfy that craving)
-Deciding on a name for baby (Macie Ryan Hunsperger)
-Loving people telling me how cute I look, even though I don't feel very cute and I think I look huge, I truly love it and get a huge smile on my face when someone says oh Kalinda look at how cute you are.
- Being at the stage of viability if I went in to early labor, she would be tiny but has a 90% chance of making it.
- knowing that in 3 months and 4 days I am done work for a whole entire year
- My complexion
-My hair

-watching my legs, face and but grow
-still being scared of something going wrong
-wishing I got those huge cravings that pregnant women talk about where they have to have a certain thing right then and there, just want to know what that feels like.
-back pain, has not been to bad but every now and then it acts up on me.
-deciding how much money do I really need to spent on baby, what is to much and what is not enough.


  1. You look so cute!!! and i'm not just saying that because you say you like it, seriously, so cute! I can't belive you are in your 3rd trimester already, congrats!

  2. I love that you said 'being done work for a whole year'. I know you mean at the optical store. You will just be starting a new job. A very rewarding job :) and you do LOOK TOTALLY CUTE!

  3. I am so excited for you guys. Macie is going to be such a lucky little girl. I wish we lived closer 725 7 Street was so much fun.

  4. I love your little tummy, I wish I was there to rub it and tell our little Masie how much we already love her and are so excited to meet her.
