Dec 24, 2011


7:30 am on Tuesday Dec 20th we arrived at the Lloydminster Hospital for our scheduled Induction. We got settled in our private room, they hooked up the monitor and IV and then we awaited the Doctor. Dr. Elgedewi arrived around 8:30 she checked to see how far along I was. 2cm which was very exciting. She broke my water and we waited about 2 hours to see if that would get things started. It did not so then I got to be injected with Patocin. That really got the ball rolling. I got to about 4 cm and then I decided to have the epidural. Both my nurse and Doctor highly recommended it for me, they said labor is hard but being induced can make it way worse. I am so glad I did. It was a breeze for the next 4 hours while waiting to get to 6 cm. It was so crazy how all the pain just disappeared. around 6 cm though I did start to feel a little more uncomfortable and felt some pressure. Finally around 8:30 they took me to the labor room and things progressed very quickly. I was 10 cm before we knew it and ready to start pushing. Labor was not what I thought at all even with the epidural there was pain, and oh my a lot of pressure. There was a couple moments when I did not think I was going to be able to do it. Until finally at 10:55 she made her grand entrance. Mark and my mother both got to be there when it happened and what a blessing that was I would not have been able to have done it without them. Hearing there words of encouragment made all the difference in the world when I was ready to give up. My nurses throughout the day were all amazing and Dr. Abouhamra who delivered Macie was fantastic. The only scary moments were when I would push her heart rate would drop quit a bit. The nurse was a little concerned and did an amazing job monitoring it and getting it back up. I knew she was going to be okay though, I had this very calm feeling from the Savior, say she will be okay just focus on doing your job. I of course cried when she came at first though it was because the pain was over and then when they placed her in my arms I cried because I was holding my beautiful baby girl. She was perfect and I loved her more then anything in the world. The whole experience was incredible.

It is day 4 now of her being her and she is amazing.

Macie loves to sleep, snuggle with anybody, eat, and gaze her eyes upon the world. She dislikes being disturbed when warm and cozy, a poppy diaper and getting mucus stuck in her throat. This has been my one big concern and thing I have been monitoring as she has had a hard time catching her breath from the mucus being stuck in her throat a lot. She is also a little jaundice and going for daily checks but for the most part she seems okay.

Macie is doing an amazing job of eating and got it very quickly, she is a fantastic sleeper so far and let me get 7 hours of sleep last night. she sleeped from 11 to 3 then 5 to 8. She is great at being awake and just looking around for a good hour at the world without crying.

She struggles at keeping her food down but is getting better as more of this mucus is starting to get out of her. She hates getting her blood taken to check for jaundice and am not looking forward to taking her today.


  1. She is looking decidedly Hunsperger to me right now. Thanks for posting all the pictures!

  2. Thanks for sharing your experience and pictures. Hope she gets all the mucus out. She is beautiful. She is lucky to have you as parents. Take care! Merry Christmas!

  3. Sounds like things are going pretty good. Try and keep her by the window in direct sunlight to help with the jaundice. That is no fun that she has to get poked everyday. Can't wait to see you Macie and it sounds like you did great in the delivery Kalinda.
