Mar 7, 2012

All work and no play ...

This is a very interesting article on children and I want to learn more and read more about it. What are your thoughts about what Dr. Neufeld has to say about our children and education, I would love to hear it.
click to read the article

All work and no play ...


  1. Interesting article. I think it's smart to keep learning fun, mostly unstructured and engaging at a young age and adapt it to the needs of the individual child. I agree with learning for the joy of learning and keeping rewards and a focus on marks and results completely out of learning at a young age. Jonas is such a busy body- his work is his play and it takes it very seriously. He hates being without an activity to keep him busy so I am always being challenged to come up with new engaging learning activities for him which I like.

  2. This study of the brain not being ready for formal school learning until 7 years is the basis for Waldorf education. It was founded by Rudolf Steiner in Germany and is a VERY different approach to instruction than public school. I taught at the Calgary Waldorf School for 1.5 yrs. It is beautiful what they learn but very artsy. They don't begin grade one until they are six (turning seven in that year). Check out this video that tells a bit more about the school. I sure wish we had a Waldorf school here for the girls to attend.

    Play is so important and public education has become crazy.

  3. You should read "Boys Adrift" - it talks about this and about other issues with how boys (and girls) are being raised now-a-days. We are homeschooling next year for many reasons (mostly to protect our time together as a family), but this is one of them!
