Apr 11, 2012


This morning when I was feeding Macie I was checking out pinterest like I do everyday. I truly love pinterest I have already made about 5 or 6 recipes from it and am making another one tomorrow, made Mark's valentines day gift from an idea I got off of it, and am making a picture frame for Macie's room from an idea off of it, not to mention I am so excited for all the awesome ideas they have for things I can do with Macie that are more productive then sitting her in front of a t.v all day. However this morning when I was on there it got me feeling a little down and discouraged as I looked at all these amazing things other women can make and asked myself why am I not as crafty, or smart or talented as other women, why am I clueless with how to do makeup and useless at doing my hair cute. Why is my house decorated so terribly and why can't I find the things I want to find to make my house look cuter. I was thinking and feeling these thoughts all morning and afternoon, then when I got back from my appointment for Macie there was an article my friend posted on facebook that calmed my worries and made me feel human again. It talked a lot about how we need to stop feeling like we need to be these perfect people (women) do everything the best, make everything the best be a size 2, our homes are perfection and our food we eat be amazing. I reflected on my life and was thinking how much I love my life right now I truly do I have an amazing husband, and the most amazing little girl. I thought about the things I love in life, reading books, exercising (and not just to be thin I truly love exercising and the way it makes me feel), playing with Macie, spending time with family, keeping my house clean (I know really but I do love cleaning my house and looking at my house when it is clean), I like watching criminal minds, greys anatomy and sports, spending time with great friends, taking my adorable pets for walks, writing on my blog, the odd craft hear or there, saving money, paying off debt, and many many more things. I think as women and men in this world we need to not put so much pressure on ourselves to be perfect. "Do what you Love and Love what you do" if having money in savings makes you happier then having a supped up vehicle or a house decorated to perfection, then have that money in savings. If exercising is what you would like to do with your spare time then don't worry about not making every craft you see on pinterest or facebook, but if you love to craft don't worry about being a fitness queen. I might not be good at crafting and have no idea how to sew, clueless when it comes to decorating my house, doing my hair and makeup and making the most amazing desert on the planet, but I can run a 5K in 28 minutes 3 1/2 months after having a baby, I have a house that is pretty much always clean, I am reading more books know then I have in my whole life, read the Book of Mormon in 3 months, I have a daughter who is loved the way she is suppose to be, we have friends over for fun and games all the time and more money in savings then we have ever had in our whole life. So I guess as best as I can I am doing what I love and am going to try and work on not beating myself up when I look at my house and my imperfect decorations, or my messy hair or eating one of the three deserts I know how to make. Again Do What you Love and Love what you Do, and be amazing because you are.


  1. Kalinda you are amazing!! In so many many ways!! I look up to you so much and count my blessings that we moved here and we got to meet and be friends! I feel the same way sometimes when I go on pinterest...but have decided that most of those things are just not important and I'll stick with what I'm good at and try to get better in those areas instead of branching out into new things for now. I'm not so crafty either and I'm ok with that!

  2. I read that article as well and it was a good one!!!!
    Yes, you are awesome and are a good example to me and the things to do in right in life and that are important!!!!!!
