Apr 15, 2012


Well the pets have had quit an eventful week as we adopted a chocolate lab for 11 days while our friends the Lows go on a cruise, lucky ducks. Zuma are friend has been pretty darn wonderful if you ask me or Mark, but if you ask Lily I am sure she could list a ton of things that are bugging her, and Molly she will probably start to have a hard attack if you even mention Zuma's name. No they actually are doing really well seeing there house has been taken over by an animal about 100 times bigger then they are. Zuma is great though such a good listener and it is nice to have a dog that will actually bring the ball back when you throw it and not just stare at it and think what am I suppose to do with this now. He has grown quit found of me and I don't know if I will be returning him to the Low's when they get back as I have such a love for big dogs they are so awesome and so smart.

Zuma or furry friend for another week Love him so stinkin adorable

Cobalt and Lily going at it

Lily protecting her and Molly's food, Zuma even walks by it and Lily growls at her like even touch my food Zuma and I will take you down, I just laugh and say "Lily you are about the size of Zuma's head good luck."

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