Jun 22, 2012


My little munchkin is 6 months old, and she is not a little munchkin anymore she is a whopping 14 lbs and growing taller and taller everyday.

Macie at 6 months:

- Loves her real food, so far the only thing she has not liked is my home made rice cereal and avacado, but I am going to attempt avacado again next week to see if she will rethink her feelings there.
- I think is probably one of the easiest babies to put to bed, about 98% of the time we put her in her bed, sing her you are my sunshine, kiss her on the forhead leave the bedroom and listen to hear her talk herself to sleep.
- with that being said she does not sleep well in public, especially church. My little girl is not a snuggler and although I am so happy with an easy sleeper, I do still get jealous sometimes when I see other little babies just a snuggling into there moms and dads. 
- Is a sitting and a rolling machine. She rolls from one side of her bedroom to the other and would keep going if she didn't get stuck.  Her bedroom is equipped with soft carpet so I feel comfortable sitting her down and leaving the bedroom to go do something, she falls very rarerly now and is fantastic at putting her arm down when she gets wobbily
- Is almost crawling. I give it a couple more weeks and she will be all over the house. She has even gone a little distance if she tries hard enough.
- Loves loves loves to be sung too, especially when there are actions to the song. Her new favorite is, "skinnamarink".
- Is starting to really notice the puppies and loves to pull at their ears and pet the tops of their heads.
- Is such a Daddy's girl and her face lights up the moment he gets home from work
- At the same time she loves the odd snuggle and sing time with mommy. She also likes mom to feed her.
- Is a little show off and pretty much all you have to do is say hi to this little girl and you get the biggest smile out of her, hence wherever we go she is dotted on and adored by all. exp. the other day we were at the realtors office and a lady came and stole Macie. When she brought her back, she had a t-shirt and a stuffed animal that apparently the receptionist just had to give to her. The next day when we went back everybody immediately saw her and was like, oh my the cutest baby ever is here.
I can't lie in saying I absolutely love every minute off it.
-She also doesn't play shy with anybody will pretty much go to anybody and be happy and content
- Has such a great laugh and I love nothing better than playing pick a boo with her and tickling her tummy to get that amazing sound from her mouth.
- Still loves story time but more so wants to play with the book then listen to me read it.
- There are so many more things and I hope I remember them all,  Macie you are amazing and wonderful, and I can't imagine my life without you in it. Thank you for being awesome and being my little girl.

Mom and Dad
 - tired at moments, confused at moments, scared at moments, and yes even frustrated at moments, but are loving being parents and couldn't have been more blessed by our Savior. If Macie is our only child my life will be complete and full having her.

Molly and Lily:
Still Molly and Lily, you can tell though they feel a little neglected, even if I walk them twice a day, give them treats like crazy and play with that stupid fish toy with them, they still seem a little sad that they are not #1 anymore. Or are crazy smart and are manipulating me into feeling bad as they know it means more walks and treats.


  1. She sure is the cutest little girl ever! Happy 6 months to Macie!

  2. Such a sweet girl!! Can't wait to see her moving around and walking! So fun!!
