Oct 2, 2012


I have wanted to do this post for some time but have never known how to approach it with out sounding cocky or prideful. Yet again though I had someone ask me how did you do it Kalinda, and how do you keep it off. So here it is in a long personal detailed description, how I did it and how I do it.

First off I want to start by saying I am not perfect at it and still have weight and fat pertruding in areas I wish it didn't,  I still have an ultimate goal to lose another 12 lbs and be at my dream goal weight of 125 Pounds (which I guess you can figure out how much I weigh right now if you really wanted to add those two numbers together). However I am a Mom a Wife a Latter Day Saint and a Women first and for most, which means that sometimes those work outs don't get in or that food gets eaten that I shouldn't because I still want to be happy and enjoy being thin and not hate every minute of it.

I remember it very clearly waking up one morning and stepping on the scale and seeing that number again for probably the 300th time, 175 lbs. Why, why, why? Why Kalinda do you do this too yourself, another night of lazing around on the coach and eating popcorn and ice cream, and again another morning of waking up and not wanting to go to church because I feel fat and gross. I finally told myself this is it, it is finally going to change. Now of course for the first 4 months I did what I usually do whenever I start a weight loss challenge, go good for one week then bad for two. Finally in January the big change came. I got my braces put on and had two weeks of eating hardly anything but shakes, and soup. I lost about 10 lbs in those two weeks and was feeling the best I had ever felt. I told myself this is it this really could be it. With talking with some friends we made a goal to run a triathlon and having a huge competitive side to me, the training began so I would not suck at it. This helped me lose another 10 lbs pretty quickly. 4 months had gone by and the scale was being kinder to me then ever before 155 lbs, hallelujiah. Next I got diagnosed with this wonderful disease called Endometriosis. With lots of research it seamed liked most doctors and nutritionalists talked about a lot of the same foods you should and should not eat with having this condition. So onto finding books and recipes that were healthier options. I was very lucky in that area, as I love veggies, fish and chicken, fruit and shakes and don't really love pop, not a huge fan of things pounded in dressing and I can say no to candies and fast food restaurants anytime I want. My big weaknesses are Chips, Ice cream and popcorn. The Triathalon did not happen because of work, however me and my friend did sign up for a 5KM race to do together. With eating healthier and exercising almost everyday I was finally at a weight I liked to see on the scale 145 lbs.  The race happened we both rocked it and life was going great. Then the weight loss challenge finally came to a holt but for good reasons it was time to put on weight and grow a baby. being 148 lbs on the day I found out I was pregnant my goal was to get no bigger then 175. With eating healthy and exercising once I was past the 12th week. I achieved my goal yet again. 173 was the highest I ever saw the scale while I was pregnant. Upon 3 months of having Macie I was back to that magical number of 145 to 148. I was so happy it came of so quickly and know it was because of the good choices I made while I was pregnant. Next was the training for my half marathon I was starting to train for this before I got pregnant and told myself I am going to do it no matter what the summer right after having Macie. I can't believe once I started training for it how quickly the pounds fell off. With eating healthy almost everyday and exercising a lot, the morning after my half marathon I weighed 133 lbs and could fit into size 4 clothes.  Since then things have calmed down a bit and I find myself anywhere between 135 and 137. I still get frustrated when fat roles out of the top of my pants or my but looks big when I put on a pair of paints, however I have never felt happier and been more in shape in my whole entire life.

Now to maybe get a little mean and forthcoming here, but I think I need to. When I hear people make comments about people who work out and eat healthy are to obsessed with their weight and apperance it makes me so mad. I know from being someone who has been fat and been heavier that when you are that way you think about it just as much as someone who has to try and plan  a work out into there schedule or takes a little bit longer to make a meal so it is healthy. When I was fat I thought about it all the time, I didn't want to go places sometimes because I didn't think I had anything nice to wear and didn't want people to see me. I was terrified of giving talks, being the center of attention, and being around thin people, it always made me so uncomfortable. I found it took more away from my life being unhappy and miserable about the way I looked then it does now being happy and feeling good about my apperance.

I just want to rap things up hear by saying it is not as hard as it seams. Last night I ate rolo ice cream, this weekend I will stuff myself with a thanksgiving dinner and right now I am eating a lifesaver candy. All it takes is a little will and determination. The biggest help was signing up for races, they forced me to work out and get in shape. Avoiding the isles at the grocery store and only filling my cart with whole grains, fruits, veggies, chicken, fish and all the other healthy food. You know you know what they are. Finding treats that were healthier options when I needed that fix and also allowing myself to eat unhealthy sometimes.

A typical day in my life is:

Breakfast: oatmeal with raspberries and cinnamon sprinkled on top
- french toast with an orange and glass of skim milk
-a healthier cereal option with skim milk
- two eggs with one piece of 100% whole grain toast a piece of fruit and a glass of skim milk
- or two slices of 100% whole grain toast with peanut butter and jam and some piece of fruit.

Go for a walk with Macie

Lunch: a Shake (strawberries, banana, spinach, yogurt, pineapples and ice) with fresh veggies or cheese and crackers
- a toasted tomato sandwich on 100% whole grain bread with fresh veggies
- or a big salad with sauteed shrimp.

Snacks: fruits, veggies,  quacker rice crisps, hand full of almonds, frozen yogurt.

Supper: Salmon or chicken with 100% whole grain brown rice and a steamed vegetable. We probably have a supper like this about 4 to 5 times a week and the other 2 to 3 meals, will be average in healthiness but a little more exciting in taste. etc. taco salad, lasagne, fajitas, spghetti, soups, pulled pork or beef.

evening: 5 to 10KM run on the treadmill with a quick toning exercise afterwards like jumping jacks, situps, pushups or sometimes all three.

It really came down to a lifestyle change for Me and Mark and if you ask the both of us we don't ever feel like we suffer in the food department and thankfully we both enjoy exercising. I am happier then I have ever been because of many changes that happened in my life in the past two years, but I know without a doubt that being healthy and in shape changed my life for the better and brings such happiness and satisfaction into it. If anybody wants help or motivation I am here and would love to be a help and support to anyone. I know what it feels like to be at the heavier end, and I now know what it feels like to be at the thinner end and I never want to go back to the heavier end again EVER.


  1. Such a GREAT weight loss story! You are an inspiration and great example Kalinda!!! LOVE IT!!!

  2. thanks for sharing, it was a good read!

  3. I love this post. I feel there is so much I can learn from your example!
    For the record, Matty and I totally missed having you and Mark at the waterpark! Anytime you want to go back we're game. And now Matt and need to get running again...it's been too long and I'm afraid we'll be sorely undertrained for the 5K!

  4. Awesome post! FYI, I got down to 132 w/eating right and exercising, mostly cardio and then this year was holding strong at 137 w/all the increased weight lifting(until I got pregnant and now the dang scale's on it's way up again) sigh... But, cool that we have the same exact healthy weight and I know I certainly feel better when I'm eating well and exercising consistently, but too also find time for treats. You gotta enjoy life! Good for you, thanks for posting. :)
