Oct 28, 2012

My 10 Monther

That is right my little girl is 10 months old. I can hardly believe it myself less then two months and she will be one.

So what is my little munchkin up to now, so many things..

- She is a tiny one and weighs 16 lbs being in the 5th percentile for her weight, and I can't remember her height but she was in about the 25% percentile.
- She is already so much like her mom and dad and has a lot of our little idiosyncrisies. The strongest trait she has of us I think is our happy dispositions that we have 85% of the time, however we do have that 15% of the time where we are grumpy and miserable and watch out when we are. Macie is the exact same way. She is all smiles and laughs until the diaper needs to be changed (this one is getting better though as we don't have to wipe her eye as much as we use to, so she is hopefully done associating the diaper wipe with an eye cleaning), she needs to be dressed for the day or her runny nose needs to be wiped. It is so annoying when we are in public and people say what is wrong with Macie, and to have to sit there and explain to people she just hates getting her diaper changed or her clothes being put on. First I don't feel like I should have to justify why my little girl is grumpy, she can be grumpy if she wants to be grumpy and second just wait until I am done and she gives you the most adorable smile on the planet, you will be thinking different thoughts of my daughter then. 
- Macie is obsessed with books and we probably spend a good 2 hours of our day reading them. Her favorite book is "Where's Dave" and will pull down all her books from her bookshelf until she finds it, then plops herself down and turns all the pages in the book. If I need a minute to make super or tidy the house, all I have to do is sit her in front of her bookshelf and it will occupy her for a good 30 minutes. She just pulls the books down and flips through all the pages. I love sneaking up on her and watching her sit there and look through the pages, I always wonder what she is thinking when she is looking at them.
- She is not walking yet but loves to walk around the house while holding mom and dads hand, or walk from chair to chair to chair to chair, another activity that occupies my daughter if I am busy.
- Is still obsessed with her baths. When we start getting her baths ready, we line up all her toys on the tub and once she finally squirms away from us after getting her diaper off, heads strait for the bathroom, stands up and plops all her toys in the tub. She has this one Octopus toy and she is obsessed with it, once she is in the tub she looks all around for it and will hold it the whole entire time she is in the tub. 
- Loves going swimming, we took her down the slide for the first time on tuesday and she loved it, it was a little scary and thank goodness we had someone at the bottom to catch her or she would have gone under. (Royall how you did it and kept Jonas from not going under is beyond me, Mark and I definitely have to tag team that one)
- Is not much of a talker, no wait let me change that, she is a crazy loud everybody pay attention to me talker, she just does not say many words yet, but I am not letting that stress me out, she is a smart little girl and she will talk when she wants to talk.
- She is a great listener though and understands a lot of what mommy and daddy say to hear. My favorite examples are: Macie put your toys away and proceeds to put her toys back in the bin, or Macie I am going to get you and runs in the opposite direction of mom who is coming to give big tickles, or Macie don't drop your food on the floor looks at me smiles and then drops her food on the floor and laughs as the puppies eat it.
- Grabs the attention of pretty much everybody when we go out in public, I will watch her stair somebody down, what for them to look at her, and then give them a huge smile and then an ever bigger one if they smile back at her. The cutest though is when she starts playing pick-a-boo with random strangers in public, it is so stinking adorable.
- Is still a fabulous sleeper and does 12 straight hours for me every night, except rare occasions when she is sick, but that is a pretty reasonable excuse.
- is down to two feedings a day, one in the morning and one at night. It has been nice to have more freedom, but also nice that I still get those two moments a day with her.
- Is on the go busy all the time, she will only sit to watch T.V. while I give her a bottle, which is more then OK with me. Actually it is one of the only ways I can get her to sit for 10 minutes to take a bottle is to watch T.V. if we just sit on the coach she wants to be active and moving and will only drink about 4 ounces, but if we go downstairs and watch a quick show I can usually get about 7 ounces out of her. Once she is down drinking though she is right back at wanting to go and get busy having fun.
- Is really good at playing by herself. Which is so nice for mom if I need to get stuff done, but also loves of course playing with mom and dad which we try to spend most of our time doing.
- Thinks Molly, Lily and Cobalt are the greatest and we get some of our best giggles out of her when she is playing with them. Must give props to all the pets for how fabulous they are with Macie.
- Is the best at giving High Fives, especially to mom
- Gives the best slobbery, suck face kisses ever, but it is hard to get them out of her. If you ever get one consider yourself lucky. Morning after nursing is usually when I can get some out of her.
- Has been to her day home twice now and loves it and I love the lady I take her too (Krista Cryderman). She is fabulous and I feel so good about Macie going there once a week.
- Is a total flirt, wonder where she gets that from? She is obsessed with boys and definitely prefers males over females, although she will go to pretty much anybody. But she always seams to give those guys an extra cute smile, and will crawl to them and want them to pick her up.

Well I know there are so many more things about Macie that are fabulous and that make me absolutely adore her, but these are definitely some of my favorites. I hope I remember to be as good with the next children as I have been with Macie about writing down all her milestones and cute things she does.


  1. She's growing up so fast!! Glad she is sleeping well for you still!! Maitland is still giving me troublesome times.

  2. I love the cute story about Macie and her bath toys. Baths are one my favorite memories of Jonas at the age.

    I keep checking your blog for your costume sneak peeks! I can't wait!
