Nov 28, 2012

I thought I knew what stress was....

When you don't have the money in your account to pay a bill, or you put on 5 pounds, or the house is a total mess and company is coming over, my wedding day, final exams, giving birth, moving, when Mark had no job for almost a month when we were first married, Macie getting her first fever, thinking Molly was going to go blind when her eye looked like it popped out of her head. So many other things come to mind of times in my life when I have been stressed, but none pale in comparison to this past 6 days, and especially today. The direct quote from the Pharmacists today was this is such potent medicine we give it to cancer patients to take. My heart about sunk when I heard those words, but what else is a Doctor to do when your daughter has not held down any food for 6 days and has gone 24 hours without a wet diaper. Other prescribe this medicine or put an IV in her. I still can't decide which route we should have taken, especially when Mark and I have to hold her head, hands and body down to get the medicine and pedialyte down my stubborn girls throat. So hopefully soon after many many prayers, a priesthood blessing, this medicine and a couple total and complete meltdowns from her mother this whole big stressful mess will be done and over with. If not next time you see me I may have no hair and have other lost 10 lbs or gained 20.

Side Note: Ahh the joys of being a first time mother, I am sure many of you mothers of many are giggling in your head right now remembering the first time your first kid got really sick and it stressed you out, and now it is like ahh yes another kid is sick again whats new.

Another Side Note: I love my little munchkin but moments like this definitely have me wishing she was more closer to the 100th percentile in weight then the 5th percentile in weight.

1 comment:

  1. I think all mom's are worried anytime their kids get really sick. No matter how many they have! I'm sorry it was such a rough week. You survived it... Way to go!!!!!!
