Jan 9, 2013


Do you other mothers out there find that about every 3 weeks, you have to re-asses how you have been doing as a mother, and re-start all over again. These past couple of days life at home with Macie has been a little bit rough, Macie has been fussy, grabby, whinny and even throwing a couple of temper tantrums. The past couple of days I have been blaming her for it, teething, not being able to communicate properly, even maybe having a touch of the flu. Then this afternoon as I was baking banana bread and Macie was helping me and her face was lighting up with smiles and giggles it hit me that I am the reason Macie has been so tough. As I mentioned in my latest post how her obsessions change so quickly, well so does the toys she likes to play with and the things I build for her to play with. She is getting older and a bottle full of silver bells, beads and little colored pom poms wont keep her satisfied anymore for hours. I have to stop for one second and give a huge praise to Pinterst or I truly believe I would be the most boring mom on the planet. So as the little munchkin naps the lists are coming out of new adventures we must have and new things we must explore and new toys and games I must make for the two of us too do. I hope I am right hear and trying new things with Macie and different activities will bring back my happy, fun little girl. Any ideas or tips out there would also be greatly appreciated from other moms who are reading this post and smiling as they probably remember moments like this far to well.


  1. I am reading the most incredible parenting book right now. I'll probably talk about it on my blog when I'm finished. It's this one:

    This book completely resonates with me. Seriously, its fascinating.

  2. It sounds like a great plan to start 'older' activities. They change so quickly... and teething is rough :( She was acting the same for me at my house today. She just isn't her usual self right now. There will be many happy days to come and Pinterest is AWESOME! I need to do more activities too.
