Jan 3, 2013


I couldn't decide if I wanted the title of my post to be Mini Van Mom or So Long Farewell, but seeing as our new vehicle is not a mini van and I shed a tear as I was driving our cobalt to the dealership for one last drive, and Mark shed a tear last night as he drove the truck to the dealership I thought this title was the most appropriate. So truly so long farewell to the GMC Sierra and the Chevy Cobalt (or Kobe, the name my Best Friend gave her). So many good memories and too many to write about, like sleeping in the back seat as we waited at the border crossing for it to open the next day on our way to Colorado, or dancing, crying and screaming in the Cobalt when it truly hit me that I was having a little girl and the vehicle beside me pointing and laughing at me. Both these vehicles were so good to us and kept us safe and seriously gave us tons of good memories, but onto new memories and new adventures in our "New" to us Chevy Traverse.

The option that most excited me was the DVD player, yay for quiter road trips

1 comment:

  1. The Traverse looks awesome. Matty and I are going to brainstorming new names tonight. I bawl like a baby when Matt and I lose a vehicle. They become like a familiar friend to me. Maybe its the name that does it.
