Feb 21, 2013

Some Wickidly, Wacky and Way to Many Wonderful Things about Macie

I realized today that I have not done an update on my daughters milestones in a while so before another month passes and I forget again I dressed the little girl up cute today, took some pictures and thought of all the new things this little munchkin is up to since turning one.

- Saying HI, wherever we go now she feels the need to say Hi to everybody. Yesterday was the cutest when I went to ONE TOOTH to get some new sports bras the ladies working there came over to ask me if I needed any help and Macie waved her little hand and sayed HI for about 2 minutes.
- on that note, she is talking up a storm. Mom, Dad, Shoes, Socks, Hi, Hihy(kity), this, that. I am very impressed with how clear she sounds. She has been a little slow at learning her words but once she says one she's got it and says it very clear.
- How crazy tough she is. She falls endlessly, smacks her head, bumps her head, wacks her arm, gets her fingers caught in drawers. Whatever it may be she hardly ever cries. It takes a lot to make her cry and even if she does cry from pain she is usually over it in seconds. 
- One thing that I super duper love about Macie is that she does not need toys to play. She has such a good imagination and I think are house could have managed without buying a single toy for Macie and she wouldn't have got bored. Oh for the exception of Balls she definitely needs balls to funtion. Her only real obsession. Other then that, a piece of paper, a shoe string, a chair to push around, music to dance too,  a couch to run around, water, puppies, kitty, this girl can definitely keep herself occupied with anything.
- She pretty much feeds herself 95% of the time and does a fantastic job of doing it. A little more messy if mom does not help but she can pretty much eat her whole meal buy herself. A quick note on what a wonderful healthy eater my little girl is. Except when she is sick she will eat almost anything I give her that is healthy. She picks water over juice, wont touch ice cream or popsicles, devoures any fruit or vegetable I give her and downs shakes filled with fruit, greek yogurt, spinach, and wheat grass.  Meat is the only thing she struggles with and rice. But will eat anything pureed with a vegetable which is when I sneak in my brown rice, quinoa and chicken or salmon.
- Is a little social Butterfly and whenever we go somewhere the first thing she does is try and find someone to make a friend with. Hence her new thing of saying HI to everybody.
- Loves to play with puzzles and blocks. She stacks the blocks up as high as she can then loves to knock them over. She pulls every piece out of a puzzle then looks to mom for help to put them back where they belong. A couple times she has put pieces back all by herself and just gives the biggest most proudest grin ever.
- Since recoporating from being sick in Oct, Nov, and beginning of January. Macie has been a dream. Happy, fun, listening well, putting on weight, still sleeps like a dream.  Has of course fussy moments here and there but has been so good and has made the role of me being mom so enjoyable.
- Still has a lot of the same obsession, balls, animals, swimming, bath time, dancing, singing, Dad (She is such a Daddy's girl)

I am so excited for the spring and summer and walks to the park everyday, picnics, playing on the playground, exploring nature, swimming at the outdoor swimming pool, hiking, bike rides and all the fun new adventures we are going to have with this little girl.

I love Lily's tongue in this photo just ready to devour Macie in kisses

and here is Macie enjoying every minute of those kisses.

ignore the snot nosed, chapped cheeks face and just look at those eyes, love them love them love them.

loves to help mom clean up after her mess.

thanks to dad teaching her how fun it is to sit in the rice box, she now has to do it all the time.

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