May 22, 2014

This kid is amazing!!!

I have not kept it a secret how difficult these past 7 months with Wade have been. I have never been so frustrated, exhausted, overwhelmed in my life. I feel like life is a little bit of a blur right now and I am trying to get through life one day one hour one minute at a time. I have never had so much feelings of love and sorrow for someone before. I ache for him and the pain he is in, yet I pity me and how difficult of a road this has been. As life with Wade has really started to improve, although we still have no answers as to why he spits up so much there have been improvements. Yesterday Wade had a specialist appointment and I told the Doctor how these past three days I have only feed him solid food and almonds milk in a sippy cup and the spitting up has been almost nothing, maybe twice a day instead of 4-6 times after every bottle. He gave me the go ahead to keep doing what I am doing and stop formula for good. I almost cried when he said that. I had this feeling of relief come over my body like it is only going to get better from here. Even though Wade has been a difficult baby, he has this way of melting your heart with his amazing smile. He is unreal what he can do with his body. He turns 7 months tomorrow and I wouldn't be surprised if he was walking by 8 months. He pulls himself up onto furniture and walks along it. The comments I get from friends, family, strangers is always how unreal he is and how crazy his muscles are. He gives the most amazing snuggles when he is tired and loves to crawl all over mommy. This kid is so special and is going to be someone amazing to have had to endure all this pain and still smile at the end of the day. I love him so much and love seeing his amazing progress everyday. 

Here are some adorable pics to put a smile on your face.

1 comment:

  1. He is so cute in those pictures! So grown up it's kinda crazy!!
    I love those window pictures! I laugh my pants off every time I see them!
