Jun 5, 2014


Challenges are so much better when you do it as a team. I started the Vemma Bode 12 week weight lose challenge a month ago, it was hard to do it on my own, eating seperate meals as my hubby and family, so Mark decided to jump on the band wagon with me. I was also able to get a couple of friends to join us as well. Mark and I started this Monday and it has been so much easier when we are there supporting and encouraging one another. I have decided since Vemma is also my business and would like to promote it a bit and show everybody how amazing there products and program is, that I am really going to document Mark and mine's progress. I was going to do it on a daily basis but realized I would not have the time, so weekly it is. I am hoping this will help keep us motivated and my friends that are doing it with me motivated and who knows maybe get others interested as well. I don't know if Mark will allow me but I will mark my weekly stats plus meals and workouts so others can see how easy it is. It is a life style change and a healthy one lots of people need to make. So here we go, there are some before pics, but I promised Mark I wouldn't post them until we had After pics. I heard a good quote a couple months ago... It is Okay to have a before picture as long as there is an after picture.

Kalinda: Starting weight: 152 lbs (some may not believe this but I really am) my initial goal was 12 lbs, but as I was watching Extreme Makeover Weightlose Addition with Chris and Heidi Powell (They created the Bode program and products with Dr. Y.B. Wang, who created the Vemma formula) and all the contestants are on the bode products and they were losing 60 to 100 lbs in 12 weeks I decided to set my goal a little higher.

Goal Weight: 128 lbs (24 lbs) I know it is a little low for me, on the BMI scale it says 125lbs or less and I would be considered underweight, so I am shooting for that goal knowing once I stop the program a couple pounds might go back on no more then 2-3 I hope. So that I can maintain 132 lbs.

Mark's info will be posted at the end as he is a little more private about that stuff then me.

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