Jul 14, 2014

Everybody CAN do it, but you don't have to!

OK first off this post is not about being skinny or losing weight but about being healthy. 

I don't know how many times I have heard people say, but I can't run. Let me set the record strait unless you have a physical ailment anybody can run. Doesn't mean it has to be a marathon but anyone can work up to some distance weather it be 1km or 42. I have endless examples of proof my cousin that worked her way up to running a half marathon last summer who told me I was amazing for running my half marathon two years ago and there was no way she could ever do it, or a friend of mine that ran 6 KM's the other day her furthest distance yet, plus many more examples I could list. The proof is there I promise you anyone can do it, so don't let that be your excuse. Now some people  just plan and simply hate running, and that is OK you don't have to be a runner to be in shape or healthy. I do think it is important. I remember hearing once at the Olympics some announcers fighting over who was the better athlete Usain Bolt or Micheal Phelps they came to the decision  that Usain bolt was because every athlete runs. But it is still not necessary. My sister in law who has a rockin body hates running, she still does it because she knows it is important but most of her amazing figure comes from weight lifting and classes. I could probably beat her in a long distance run but she would destroy me in an arm wrestle or anything that required using muscles. It is not so much that running is important just some form of cardio which can come through biking, dance classes, swimming, Zumba and many more fast pace events. I know sometimes I talk about running to much but next to being honest to your fellow men, kind, loving God (if you believe in God) and loving your family, I think being healthy is the most important thing. Not skinny HEALTHY. When I ran my first 5 KM race the girl that passed the line just ahead of me was not overweight but definitely not skinny but man was she in good shape enough to kick my but at a race and I am a pretty good runner. I know making the choice to be healthy was the best decision of my life and even though I might not be where I want to be on the scale I definitely know my body is still healthy as I ran 7 KMs tonight and it felt amazing. 

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