May 13, 2016


A month ago Mark went up to a work camp called Jackfish for Devon. His boss talked to him while he was there and said they needed someone up here full time, would you consider taking it. It would be back to shift work 8 days on 6 days off, and while he is working he is away from the family. We talked about it and prayed about and it felt like the right decision to take it. He would have an awesome trainer to work under, would be able to finish more of his inspection courses, a little bit more pay, and the best part it would allow us to live wherever we wanted. He told his boss that he was interested and in less then a month the deal was made and he starts his new position at the end of May. The process went so fast we thought for sure it would be August at the earliest he would start the new job but nope they wanted him right away. I am so proud of Mark and how hard he has worked at his job and the opportunities he has been given because of it. We definitely won't be moving right away as we have lots of decisions to make and we need the housing market to go back up, but we are excited to eventually be closer to family, the mountains, the temple, and bigger cities.  There is even talk about building on our land in Glenwood, but we shall see. 


  1. This is great news!!! Glenwood is close enough to us :). Love this!

  2. So happy for you!!! Blessings indeed!

  3. So exciting!!! Hope you end up near us! Fort Macleod is a great little town... Hint hint! 😉

  4. So happy for you guys 💜

  5. That is so awesome! Congrats to you guys.
