Jun 18, 2016

One little stitch

I don't really even know how to explain what happened to Macie, but just imagine an earring with a tiny little fake diamond that pushed its way into Macies ear over the past couple of days and then the ear closed up with the earring inside of it. So you have this earring that won't come out the back because of the diamond on it and the skin  is closed up in the front so you can't push it back through. So we had to make our way to the E.R. The Doctor tried pulling it out at first with some special tools but when that didn't work he had to freeze her little ear make a teeny tiny cut, pull out the earring and then give her one little stitch cause the ear bleeds really bad and won't stop unless you stitch it up. The Doctor was so proud of how brave Macie was and that she didn't wine or cry, she barely even flinched that he let her pick out a stuffed animal. Of course cause we had just had a frog as a pet for the past two days she picked the funny looking frog and we named him Spark Jr


  1. I'm glad he got it out. It happened to me when I was a little girl too.

  2. Ouch and crazy! I've never heard of that happening. She is very brave
