Aug 3, 2016


If you where to ask a Mom what she would like more then anything, I think a typical answer is a day off. A day to not have to be so in control of our tempers, a day off from cleaning the same messes over and over again, a day to not make our kids lives magical, fun, healthy, exciting, educational, active. Not that we don't love doing these things, it can just be exhausting doing it every day all day long, but we do it because we love these little kiddos so much. Upon further investigation though I have come to learn that lots of Moms say they would like a day off from all of this, but in there own house. A day to clean and it stays clean, a long bubble bath with no interruptions, eating your supper when it is still hot, cruising the internet without feeling guilty that you are neglecting the little ones. While I got to live that dream, and not only for a day but have been going on day 6 and have 3 more to go. I'm not gonna lie, it has been awesome. It is crazy how I have all this extra time, but my house stays clean so I don't have to clean it as much, the laundry doesn't pile up everyday, and you don't need to cook three huge meals everyday. I've got to go for huge long walks with my puppies, some awesome runs during the day with no stroller to push, got to get ready for work in peace and quiet and not rush out after work to pick up kids from the sitters. I have been able to blare the music, and the music I wanna listen to, and also enjoy some peaceful moments to just sit and think. All of it has been wonderful and was definitely something I was needing, however I am missing that amazing family of mine so much it is insane. It is crazy how no matter how good or bad of a day we can have at home with the kids, nothing brings more Joy then a hug or kiss from our kids, sharing laughs and tears with them. Days off our great, but if I had to choose between never having a day off while I raise my kids and while I guess not having children, I would pick my kids every time. Cant not wait for Sunday and getting to see my family again, and the huge hugs and kisses I will be getting.

side note: I am so grateful for FaceTime and even though I can't be with my family right now, that I still get to talk to my kids and hubby everyday, and see there beautiful faces.

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