Nov 28, 2017


Yesterday we went to Edmonton to go and see a Paediatrician as Kansas has not been gaining the weight she should be. Kansas started out in the 90% percentile for her weight and has been dropping percentiles ever since. When she was 7 weeks old we went for a follow up visit to see the Doctor and that was when we first noticed the weight drop. She went from the 90th down to the 40th percentile. We went and saw a lactation specialist and she diagnosed Kansas with an Upper Lip Tie and Lower Tongue Tie. We then went to Edmonton a week later and Kansas had laser surgery done on her Lip and Tongue. She has a 100% upper lip tie and 85% lower tongue tie. After the surgery I felt her suck was so much better and we thought for sure after this we would see her weight gain start to rise. Unfortunately she dropped even more. From the 40th then down to the 20th and then down to the 15%. We finally were able to get Kansas to take a bottle for us so I started pumping all day long and got her drinking only from bottles so we could monitor her food intake. For over a month we have been only bottle feeding her know and she is getting more then enough milk throughout the day. We even started mixing some formula in with the Breast Milk just incase my milk is not fatty enough. It has not seemed to help and Kansas has now fallen to the 8th percentile. So off to a Paediatrician we went. Yesterday at Kansas appointment the Doctor said she has a definite Heart Murmur and he sent her for an ECG and an X-ray. We are know being referred to a Paediatric Cardiologist and are praying that it is nothing serious. My emotions are all over the place right now and even though I am trying not to worry about it 24/7 I can't help but constantly be thinking of her and what might be in our/her future.
Kansas getting her ECG test done, she was such a good girl.

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