Jul 7, 2018


Friday July 6th I went into the Cold Lake Hospital to have my crappy ankle hopefully and finally fixed. A little history, In Grade 10 I tore every ligament in my ankle at Volleyball practice, and then again when I was about 22 I jumped off a platform and landed on loose rocks tarrying the ligaments in my ankle again. Then these past 4 years I have been having endless issues with it. If i hit even a little bit of an uneven surface my ankle will Pop out of its socket and then I have to pop it back in myself. Sometimes it hurts for an hour, and sometimes if hurts for a couple of days. I knew I had to go see a Doctor about it but when your a Mom to little kids and a hubby that works away from home all your stuff gets put on the back burner. About 4 months ago though I was holding Kansas while pushing Macie on the swing and when I put my leg back I landed on a bit of uneven snow and it popped out hard. I fell to the ground and dropped Kansas face first into the snow. She was bleeding everywhere and got all these tiny micro cuts on her face. My Ankle was swollen this time and even bruised a little and I couldn't walk hard on it for a week. It was finally time to get this thing looked at. I had an ultrasound done on it and they sent me to an Orthopaedic Surgeon. The Ortho Doctor sent me the for X-Rays to confirm what kind of surgery he wanted to do. He put a rush on the surgery when he saw how bad the Ultrasound looked, I had one ligament that was completely torn and another that was halfway. The booking office called me the next day and they booked the surgery in three weeks (July 6). My work was so good at rearranging my schedule (oh yeah buy the way I am back at work) and my wonderful Mom took some time off of her work and from her life to come up and help me out when Mark is away at work. It's gonna suck being in a cast for 3 weeks and then an Air Cast after that for a month or two, especially over Summer, but if it fixes this ankle of mine it is worth it. 

My last long hard walk the night before my surgery

waiting for the spinal to wear off so I can go home

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