Jul 30, 2018


Crazy this day has come and gone. How is our baby already one year's old. It's been on crazy amazing year with this girl and we have just loved having this little girl in our life and home.

Kansas so far

-Like all my kids is a champion sleeper. Goes to bed between 7 and 8PM and wakes up every morning between 7 and 8 AM.

- She is one good eater and eats pretty much anything we give her. She especially loves Cheese, Yogurt drinks, Sweet Potatoes, Butternut Squash, Puffs, and all kinds of fruit.

- She is a crawling machine and loves walking all over the house as long as she has someone to hold her hand or her walker. It won't be long before she is walking by herself.

- She loves playing with any kind of toys and especially loves Balls, and toys that make noise. We just recently brought up Macie's Kitchen and her new favourite thing to do is go and play with the kitchen, opening and closing the doors and picking up the pots and pans.

- She is so in love with all of her Family, but has a special love for her Daddy. Daddy is pretty smitten with her as well. 

- Her health has been pretty good so far, the Ptosis in her eye does not happen as much as it use to, but we are still waiting to see a Neurologist to discuss the possibility of her having Myasthenia Gravis. 

- She is still such a tiny little bug and weighs around 18 lbs with not a lot of fat rolls. 

- She definitely can be stubborn though when she wants something, and likes to be difficult when trying to comfort her, she hates being cuddled and you have to just put her down and walk away and let her sooth or calm herself down. She also hates teething and can get pretty miserable when a tooth is coming in, and of course with being a little stubborn she won't ever take the chew toys we give her to help, she has to find some random thing around the house to chew on that is not good for her to be putting in her mouth. 

- She loves sucking her thumb and the minute you lay her down in her bed she grabs one of her favourite blankets and puts her thumb in her mouth and rubs her blanket with her hands. It is so stinking adorable, and even though it is probably not the best thing for her teeth, she is so cute when she does it. 

- A couple months ago she learned to wave, give high fives, and clap her hands.

- Her Laugh, Smile, Giggle are so ridiculously cute, they just brighten your day. 

- What else to say, she is one pretty awesome kid and we all just Love her so much. So excited to start to see her next milestones. Walking, Talking, Playing more with toys. 

We celebrated her Birthday today with some yummy supper, then some Chocolate Cupcakes Dad made with Ice Cream. She loved the cupcake and almost devoured the whole thing. Then she did a fabulous job unwrapping a couple presents we got for her. We kept it pretty low key as we already have some many toys from Macie and Wade. Just a couple fun shaped balls and a little toy that plays music. She seemed pretty happy with it all. 

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