We did something crazy and something we said we would never do again! We bought a Dog! She is beyond adorable and we are so excited to have a bigger, hopefully smarter Dog! We named her Lucy and she is a German Shepherd crossed with a Border Collie.
Sep 7, 2020
Sep 6, 2020
Kansas and Wade have just become the best of buds lately. Sometimes I feel bad for Wade that he doesn’t have a brother, but then I watch him and Kansas play transformers or animals for hours and think, nah he’s more then OK! Macie was always willing to play boy games with him, as she is growing out of it a little Kansas has just come up right behind to take her place so he always has someone to play with.
Sep 4, 2020
Back to School
It’s been 5 1/2 months since our kids have been in school because of the coronavirus. They have been missing friends terribly and Mom has been missing some structure to her life and her one on one time with Kansas. So when School was a go for September mostly everyone everywhere was incredibly excited. There are some fears and some worries. The older kids (Grades 4-12) have to wear Masks. The kids have to sanitize a lot and the have to stay in cohorts, which means not as much interaction as a whole school, more just with your individual Grade and even classroom. Even though it’s going to be a little crazy I’m happy they are back and life is somewhat getting back to normal, although we still have a long way to go.
Garden goodness
This spring we went out to Glenwood, rented some fancy machines and got our first garden going in Glenwood. We didn’t have irrigation set up yet and we were not weeding it is much as we should have, but for our first year and the lack of time of work we actually put into it we got a pretty good haul. We are hoping to having an even greater haul next year.
Macie was in the backyard yesterday running laps (we do this almost everyday to burn some energy) when she went to jump over the fire pit. Instead of gracefully jumping over it she ended up falling and hitting her arms and chest right on the fire pit. She completely knocked the wind out of her and could barley breath and her arms got badly scraped. It was definitely a scary moment for Mom and she felt pretty crappy the rest of the night, but after a good long sleep in Moms bed she felt a lot better the next morning.
Macie’s mishap
Macie’s everyday chore is unloading the dishwasher. The other day she had a mishap and dropped a kids plastic plate on the floor and broke it. She thought she was going to get in big trouble so she took it downstairs and hot glue gunned it back together. So yesterday I was pulling out plates for supper and noticed this funny look plate with a crack in it and was like “what the heck?” Since Macie is the only one who knows how to use the hot glue gun and her chore is putting away the dishes I put two and two together and realized what happened. Confronting her about it was kind of fun and she had a pretty good explanation about what happened.
Macie’s story. Umm yeah it fell and I was like umm is Mom going to notice, yeah I think she will notice so I hot glue gunned it back together and yeah it’s fixed so!?!
It was to adorable to get upset about and just had to have a good laugh.